Every time, getting great ideas and creativity in your work may not happen. The notion of “good” or “great” is subjective when it comes to ideas and creativity. It’s merely an attempt, a venture into the unknown. But remember, when it does happen, it will hit like a lightning bolt.
I couldn’t find anything worthy of developing a better script for this month. I had many thoughts, but nothing materialised. Last month, one of our female colleagues shared with me how she used to be good at writing essays during her childhood days, but now struggles to find ideas. I felt a sense of superiority until I found myself in the same predicament, this month.
Finally, I realised that even writing about the struggle of not getting ideas is worth writing. The writer may perceive their script as brilliant, but the reader may not share the same sentiment, and vice versa. Throughout history, we have seen countless failures and remarkable successes emerge from ordinary beginnings.
Finally, I realised that even writing about the struggle of not getting ideas is worth writing. The writer may perceive their script as brilliant, but the reader may not share the same sentiment, and vice versa.
Inspiration and ideas come from any source and anywhere. You cannot confine them to a particular place or isolate yourself in solitude to think. However, it is crucial to remain open and constantly attentive to your surroundings. If you are not actively looking for it, you’re bound to miss the spark.

As the first half of 2023 passes and the second half beginning from July with the promise of heavy rainfall, let us seek blessings of mother earth to bestow upon us abundant resources and secure our food for the coming year. Furthermore, knowing that Lord Vishnu will be in slumber (Yoga Nidra) for the next four months, let us turn our focus for us to engage in spiritual and meditation practices. It is time for introspection and self-reflection as per Hindu Mythology.
So, I wholeheartedly embrace this momentary lull with the hope that the muse will strike again when the time is right. Ideas will flow, creativity will spark, and the journey of creation will continue so long as we keep our senses alert and our hearts receptive. Thank you.
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