Author: fullmoon_pcc

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Today’s prompt: Do you negotiate as confidently for yourself as you...

Power of Self-negotiation Often, self-doubt, modesty, and emotional attachment hold us back from achieving the outcomes we...

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Today’s prompt: List your top 5 grocery store items.

Confidence coffee, growth greens ,curiosity spices, Timeless rice and everyday chapati.

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Today’s prompt: Describe a man who has positively impacted your life.

Sadhguruji is a visionary spiritual leader, yogi, and founder of the Isha Foundation, dedicated to human well-being...

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Today’s prompt: Is your life today what you pictured a year...

A year ago, I had hopes. Today, I have memories.A year ago, I had potential. Today, I...

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Today’s prompt: What skills or lessons have you learned recently?

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Today’s prompt:What cities do you want to visit?

I once visited a city in a dream—its golden streets, twilight skies, and distant music felt too...

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Negotiation: Inside-out

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Today’s prompt-Have you ever performed on stage or given a speech?

Yes, my first stage performance was during my school’s annual function as a child, where I played...

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Today’prompt-What is something others do that sparks your admiration?

When people keep moving forward despite everything trying to stop them. Whether it’s a poor man going...

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Today’s Prompt-What is you favourite cartoon

MalgudiDays by RK Laxman for its timeless charm and Shinchan for its humour on daily life.Thoughtful quote...

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